Thursday, September 20, 2007

Online Personalization Increases Conversion Rates

According to a recent report by the Aberdeen Group, companies that actively personalize the online experience with established business processes demonstrate an improvement in online conversion rates, average order value, and revenue per visit. The survey showed that 88% of Best-in-Class companies agree that they will recognize a return on their investment in personalization technologies, and 76% agree that the economic gains from personalization will outweigh the costs of implementation.

Increasing overall sales, both online and offline, was identified as a top pressure by 60% of leading companies and the primary reason for personalizing the online experience. Best-in-Class companies indicated that they deploy personalization tactics across multiple areas of their web site functionality, such as email (76%), cross-sell/up-sell (50%), newsletters (40%), homepages (31%) and site search results (29%). These efforts contributed to the 91% of Best-in-Class companies who demonstrated improvement in online conversion rates.

By utilizing segmentation and unique user profiles and applying key technologies to them, such as predictive analysis and personalized recommendations, companies can create an online experience that is unobtrusive to the consumer yet ultimately moves them towards checkout more efficiently.

More information can be found at

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